Microneedling Side Effects
Is microneedling an effective treatment? The short answer: yes. But this depends on a variety of factors. While there is some evidence that microneedling can help reduce the appearance of cellulite, heal acne scars and generally repair damaged skin, it is also possible that it has negative side effects.
So, before you go ahead and book an appointment for microneedling, it is important to know what the procedure entails and what side effects may be associated with it.
In this blog post, we will look at what microneedling is and delve into the side effects of the procedure. We will also answer the question, is microneedling safe? So, read on to learn more about microneedling and its side effects.
Microneedling Definition
Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure used in skin care. It uses fine needles to create microscopic holes in the dermal papilla.
These injections help to stimulate new cell growth and improve the appearance of wrinkles and age spots by repairing damage done to the skin over time. The purpose is to induce local inflammation, increase collagen production, decrease scaling and promote healing.
There are more benefits to microneedling, including reducing the appearance of cellulite and improving skin texture.
What else?
• Reduced wrinkles and age spots• Improved skin tone
• Boosting collagen production
• Painless treatment that can be performed at home using a few simple tools
• Many possible side effects can be minimized or eliminated through proper preparation.
So, Is Microneedling Safe?
A qualified professional ensures the needles are placed carefully and slowly into the skin. This process does not cause any pain or discomfort, and most people report feeling relieved.
However, there are some possible side effects that can occur including redness, swelling, bruising, or tenderness at the site of the procedure. If you experience any of these side effects, it is important to contact your doctor immediately for further instructions.
And make sure you follow all aftercare guidelines closely. These will help minimize the chances of any future complications arising from the procedure itself.
Finally, take measures such as cooling down quickly after treatment (by applying ice packs or using cold water) in order to reduce inflammation and swelling.
Potential Side Effects of Microneedling
There are three main types of side effects associated with microneedling:
• procedural pain,
• local burns/injuries, and
•systemic side effects.
Procedural pain refers to any discomfort or soreness that you may experience during the procedure. Local Burns/injuries refer to any burns or injuries that occur near the site of the needles, while systemic side effects refer to any problems that accumulate after the procedure is completed (for example,fat redistribution).
After your session is over, there may be itchiness and tightness of the skin that can last for days or weeks. Additionally, you may experience additional irritation if you start using skincare products too soon after treatment.
Other side effects are less common but could include bruising, bacterial infections, and irritation. In some cases, microneedling may also result in scarring.
Well, the most common issues are:
• mild redness,
• tenderness,
• swelling,
• itchiness,
• crusting or scabbing at the site where the needles were inserted (known as local adverse reactions),
• bruising or discoloration in areas where pressure was applied during the injection (systemic adverse reactions),
• fever higher than 38 degrees Celsius (100 degrees Fahrenheit),
• rash or hives all over the body (contact dermatitis).
Here's an in-depth look at some of the most common side effects experienced by microneedling patients.
Pain and Discomfort
Pain, discomfort and minor bleeding are common side effects of microneedling treatments. In rare cases, minor bleeding can lead to a blood transfusion or even death. And what could be the cause?
Pain may occur if the needle is inserted incorrectly or if the skin is too dry. Also pain is due to increased blood flow and swelling around the wound area.
To help minimize these symptoms, be sure to follow the doctor's instructions carefully and take the prescribed painkillers as advised.
Redness And Swelling
There are times when we experience redness and swelling related to microneedling. This can happen during the treatment itself, or later on down the line when the skin starts to heal. While these symptoms may be unpleasant, they are short-term and generally resolve over time.
Additionally, there is a higher risk of sunburn and skin damage over time due to increased exposure to the sun.
To reduce the severity of redness and swelling, it is important to follow up treatments with regular treatments. Additionally, it is important to cleanse, moisturize, and protect your skin after each treatment so that you maintain results over time.
Finally, it's important to know how to recognize redness and swelling related to microneedling in order to get proper treatment right away!
Scarring may occur if needles are inserted too deep or if they are made from materials that are potentially harmful to the skin. For example, metal needles often cause scarring because they irritate the skin.
In addition, some materials used in injection pens - such as plastic - may also cause scars because they contain chemicals that can harm cells over time.
Every day, we're exposed to infection. Whether it's the flu, a cold, or something more serious like an infection after microneedling, we need to be proactive in preventing it. Stay healthy!
What is infection and how can it be avoided? Infection is any presence of a pathogen (a microorganism that causes disease) inside the body.
Common signs of infection after microneedling include fever (above 38°C), chills, muscle aches and pain, headache, sore throat or difficulty swallowing saliva or food.
It's important to remember that these symptoms may also be caused by other factors unrelated to microneedling. Therefore, it's important not to take any risks and consult with your doctor immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.
For those who have had microneedling procedures done recently (within the last two weeks), there is a higher risk for developing an infected wound due to increased exposure during treatment and healing processes. Therefore, it is important to follow proper hygiene guidelines post-treatment in order for you prevent further incidence of infection:
• Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching your eyes, nose/mouth areas, wounds or skin
• Sanitize all surfaces where you came into contact with blood
• Clean any equipment used in treatment (including needles)
• Avoid close contact with others who are sick
• Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day (especially if you feel dehydrated)
Hyperpigmentation Or Hypopigmentation
Everyone experiences some level of skin pigmentation at some point in their lives. But it is more common in people who are of African descent, people with darker skin tones, or people who have been exposed to sunlight frequently.
And what is hyperpigmentation? Hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation is the medical term for the darker patches that appear on the skin.
Microneedling is a popular procedure that treats and causes hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. Microneedling involves the use of a needle to create tiny injuries in the dermis layer of the skin. The dermis layer is where most of our melanin resides, so this injury will cause melanin to escape from the pigment cells and accumulate in surrounding tissues.
These injuries allow blood and lymphatic fluid to flow into and darken the pigment cells.
There are few ways to prevent this side effect, but you should always inform your doctor if you experience any changes in your skin color following treatment.
Home remedies that may help reduce its appearance are:
• topical creams,• light therapy (using a special lamp),
• surgical excision (removal), and chemical peels (with an alpha hydroxy acid).
Besides, laser therapy can be a remedy in case you get excessive pigmented scars after microneedling treatment.
Even though you may experience adverse effects after using certain skin care products, or microneedling, these effects are usually temporary. They typically resolve within two weeks without any long-term consequences.
But, proper post care is critical in helping to prevent future side effects from microneedling treatments. Also, this will improve the efficiency of the process. So, if you experience any troublesome side effects after your treatment session has finished, it is important to follow instructions provided by your doctor regarding how to minimize these symptoms.
These measures may include:
• applying an ice pack on affected areas every couple of hours• avoiding sun exposure
• using topical creams recommended by your doctor
• wearing soft clothing
• resting if needed
• avoiding stress levels
• drinking plenty of fluids
Also, be sure to wait at least 24 hours before applying any products to the treated area! And direct sun exposure after microneedling can increase your risk of skin cancer. Use sunscreen when outdoors after treatment.
So keep up the good fight against blemishes by following our tips above and enjoying great-looking skin without having to worry about pesky allergies!
To Summarize
Microneedling is an effective and popular skin-care treatment that has numerous benefits. While it is generally safe when done by a qualified professional, there are still some risks associated with the procedure and potential side effects that can occur.
It is important to be aware of these risks before deciding whether or not to undergo microneedling treatments. As well, taking all necessary aftercare steps afterwards are necessary to ensure optimal results. With proper preparation and attention to detail, individuals can safely enjoy the benefits of this treatment while avoiding any negative side effects.
In fact, when proper tools are employed, the side effects will be minimal and you’ll fall in love with the results. And don't worry where to get these tools. We at Yastrid are here for you. We have novel tools like the microneedling pens in good quality. Contact us. You'll definitely love the experience!